About Me

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Youssef is from Giza, Egypt, where he worked as a Flutter developer. I have 4-years of experience in the Software Development field. ✌🏻 He is a Problem solver, geek, Hard worker, and passionate about learning and teaching the latest technologies. 👨🏻‍💻 He can learn any technology in a short time and use it for big projects. Passionate in (Training, Public Speaking) and have some experience with Leadership according to the projects and teams he has lead. Skilled in Mobile development, Flutter, Dart. He is seeking to create mobile apps that serve millions of people with awesome UI/UX to help in their life and make it more efficient and easier. ✨

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Work Process


Research and Plan

Refine that idea into a solid basis for an application. Make sure our initial analysis includes actual demographics, motivations, behavior patterns and goals of your persona. During each stage of the process, keep the end user in mind. , trying to think of your customer’s lifecycle, once their characteristics are pinned down. After you reach them, they are acquired, converted, retained and their loyalty nurtured. By the end, we should understand how the customer will be using the digital product. Doing this at the very onset will set us on firm footing, and our clarity will give you and your investors, much-needed confidence.


Design and Develop

As the development progresses, the app goes through a set of stages. In the initial stage, the core functionality although present is not tested. See the app is very buggy, and non-core functionality doesn’t exist at this point. In the second stage, much of the functionality proposed is incorporated. The app has ideally gone through light testing and bug fixing, though some issues could still be present. In this phase, the app is released to a certain group of external users for more testing. After the bugs in the second stage are fixed, the app will move to the deployment phase where it’s ready for release. If yours is a complex project where user requirements change regularly, we make use of agile methodology. It helps with flexible planning, progressive development, early deployment and constant improvements. A large application can be broken down into smaller modules, and agile methodology can be applied to each of these small parts.


Test & Deliver

We test early and often. Doing this will keep your final costs low. The farther in we go into the development cycle, the costlier it becomes to fix bugs. Refer to the original design and planning documents while building out the various test cases. we cover all the necessary facets of it. The application will be tested for usability, compatibility, security, interface checks, stress, and performance. Your app is ready to submit. Choose a day and key up a formal launch. For different application stores, the policies of launching an application are different. And keep in mind, this is not the end. App development doesn’t end at launch. As your application gets in the hands of users, feedback will pour in, and you will need to incorporate that feedback into future versions of the app.